Reimagining Value
a leading media group
New strategic options for a dying business model

One of Australia’s largest media organisations with a reach of over 12 million customers is facing disruption with the rise of free, digital content has eroded newspaper subscriptions as
well as advertising revenues.

2nd Road was engaged to help them develop new value propositions and business models with revenue streams outside of traditional advertising. 2nd Road guided three of their business units
through our innovation process. Firstly, we clarified strategic intent with the organisational leadership to ensure we shared a coherent vision. We then facilitated internal staff in meeting customers and gaining unique insights through ethnographic research methods.

2nd Road then ran design sprints with various stakeholders and customers, resulting in hundreds of new product ideas. We synthesised these ideas into product concepts which considered real
business models. For one vertical, our work led to the launch of a product within three months and for another, an innovation portfolio was developed with
a value of approximately $240m.

Our work can change the way businesses and industries operate, creating measurable value for our clients, end users and society.
